-----Vidéos, Livres, films, articles sur la nature et la santé. --- Videos, Books, Movies and Articles on Nature and Health.------
Life and all living matter is filled with energy.
Life and all living matter (mineral, vegetable and animal) is filled with energy. Man is fragile living matter, and what we sometimes do to our body can lead to energy imbalance. The body eventually recovers, but not always according to the original energy order. This is why being centered, having both feet on the ground, initiates a more adequate nervous balance.
Modern life moulds human beings into fixed habits that keep them at a distance from the very essence of life, and taking charge of one's life requires, above all, a deep desire to change something in one's existence. The discovery of our inner self is the most natural thing in the world and we are all confronted with it one day or another... The consciousness of our body, of our emotions, of all that is our own identity, is in each of us. The understanding of our inner-self provides recuperative benefits for the global unity Body-Emotion-Mind. In order for us to evolve, to grow naturally. Social consciousness has taken us away from our true Self and it is important to find an energetic balance in order to demystify the role that life gives us. Let's choose to live the balance of the vital energy, which is in each of us and in all that lives.
For Man, there is no good or bad energy. There is only well or badly directed energy. Energy is intelligent and its purpose is to maintain and regenerate life. When energy is flowing well and nothing is in the way, all is well. But if it is slowed down or blocked, there is a problem, hence the birth of discomfort, of unpleasant sensations which can even, in the long run, cause illness.
The awakening to an adventure of exploration of the Self is the positive result of the triggering of the will to "know oneself", for a permanent energy balance. You are at the bottom of the ladder of your destiny, of your interiority. Experience the best of life and stay in touch with who you are... To evolve is to use all our energy to be in harmony with life, with nature in all its forms.
Without this philosophy, the human species is rushing and going to its loss. We only have to take a look at our planetary ecological situation (the greenhouse effect etc.)... We must never forget that since the appearance of life on earth, man is the one who has always known how to get out of the scourge of destruction and decadence. He knows that he must survive and improve his actions before the total uproar sets in. Man must, without question, be "human" first and foremost, and evolve in addition.
It is difficult to evolve in a natural way! One must change one's less good habits. Certainly, the will to succeed in climbing the rungs of the evolutionary ladder one by one pushes us to work in order to acquire better habits necessary to our happiness. It is a personal but inevitable adventure for our well-being and that of the earth. You see, no matter who we are, each of us is in charge of our lives and has the means to move forward. Tamed energy, whether it be through any technique of self-exploration, ignores race, color. It has no particular religious beliefs. It has been said: "Know thyself". This is the key to our successful passage through life's exams: strengthening our Self, our confidence and humanistic awareness. Our Higher Self...
Everyone must find within himself the courage to open his eyes and look beyond his fears, reacting with his actions to pure faith or established beliefs. If an Einstein could glimpse a world that no one suspected before him, perhaps other secret worlds are waiting for someone like you, humble enough, to pass it on to humanity. You will thus do a useful social work. The best is coming! "Everything will work out", that is the message from above! From the spiritual world! That I received...
Obviously, we have to keep our head above the clouds, in order to have a better overview (like the eagle symbol of evolution) and our feet rooted in the earth (like the tree symbol of life). As Dr. Timothy Leary so well put it: Think For Yourself!
All the energetic techniques to discover your inner self and your will to move forward, are there to make you a healthy and balanced person on all levels. I wish you to recognize this tamed energy because life is a wonderful adventure...