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Organic Whey Protein Concentrate(Proteines de Petit Lait concentrees)

Tableau 1--- Effets cliniques potentiels de niveaux élevés de GSH (gluthation)


Ralentissement du processus de vieillissement

Maladie de Parkinson

Maladie d’Alzheimer

Formation de cataractes

Dégénérescence de la macula

Cancers de vieillissement (ex: la prostate, le sein, etc.)


Système cardiovasculaire

Prévention des maladies du coeur

Prévention de l’apoplexie

Prévention de l’arthérosclérose

Régression de l’arthérosclérose

Prévention des lésions causées par

les perfusions

Système digestif

Inflammations intestinales


Intolérence alimentaire


Maladies infectueuses et immunologiques

Maladies antivirales (sida, hépatite, herpès, rhume, etc.)

Infections bactérielles

Certaines dysfonctions auto-immunitaires

Syndrôme de la fatigue chronique



Prévention du cancer

Supprime la croissance des tumeurs

Élimine les cancérogènes et les mutagènes

Retarde l’oxydation de l’A.D.N.

Prévention de l’émaciation

Réduction des effets inésirables de la chimio

et de la radiothérapie

Système pulmonaire

Désagrège le mucus (particulièrement la

fibrose cystique)


Bronchite chronique

Réduit l’effet du smog (note de l’auteur du présent article-2015)


Augmente la performance athlètique

Réduit le temps de récupération après un

effort physique

Réduit le cholestérol et l’oxydation du LDL


Détoxique dans certains cas de surdose (overdose)

Détoxique les substances dans la fumée de cigarette

et les gaz  d’échappement

Détoxique les polluants inluant les métaux lourds

et les pesticides (note de l’auteur: les produits d’entretien ménager et les cosmétiques)

Prévention d’une perte de l’ouie causée par la pollution du bruit

Tableau tiré du livre du Dr. Gutman, page 11, avec permission,

et notes personnelles:2015.

Organic Whey Protein Concentrate

9 oz Eco-Tin container

100% Organic


  • Organic
  • Kosher
  • Low-temperature Processed*
  • Bioactive, complete superfood–very similar to mother's milk
  • Fast nutrient-delivery for instant energy and quick recovery
  • Highest protein-utilization efficiency
  • Benefits immune function
  • Helps the body cope with daily stressors and remove toxins
  • Helps repair damaged cells and rebuild muscle tissues
  • Replenishes critical minerals including calcium
  • Increases satiety: ideal for weight loss meals
  • Supports beneficial gut bacteria (bifido bacterium)
  • Contains: Natural anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Cell-protecting antioxidants and Glutathione precursors. Cellular metabolism regulators for healthy growth and recovery.

Purity From The Source

  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten-Free
  • Low Glycemic
  • Non-denatured, cold-processed from pasture-fed organic RAW milk
  • A whole-food concentrate, not an isolate
  • No sweeteners (safe for diabetics and dieters)
  • ZERO fillers (no soy, sweeteners or emulsifiers)
  • Free of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics (no GMO, BSE, & rBGH)
  • Non-toxic processing: non-instantized and never acid flushed
  • Free of heavy metals and radiation

  • Discover the delicious, life-enhancing benefits of the world's finest non-denatured, low-temperature- processed whey concentrate, made exclusively from pasture-raised organic milk!

    When it’s low-temperature-processed and contains all its fragile immune factors and nutrients, nothing tops the superfood power of pasture-raised whey concentrate—it’s one of nature’s most perfect foods. Loaded with the ideal blend of nutrients — easily-absorbed amino acids, anti- inflammatory immune factors and metabolism-boosting peptides, along with potent antioxidants and alkaline minerals — this delicious, creamy whey protein is ideal for muscle nourishment, immune support, exercise recovery and body rejuvenation.

    Typical whey powders are high-heat-treated, acid-flushed, and stripped of vital nutrients, creating an imbalanced, acidic "whey isolate" that's frequently contaminated with synthetic additives, chemical detergents, and heavy metals. It's no wonder that other whey products are hard to digest and have to cover up their acidic aftertaste with unhealthy sweeteners and artificial flavors.

    But this whey is totally unique: carefully produced at the lowest-possible temperatures from the finest nutrient-rich organic milk of pasture-raised cows, with NOTHING added or taken away. It's a perfect food, very close to mother’s milk: naturally sweet and creamy, with all its vital nutrients intact. It’s a difference you will taste...and feel.

    The Essential Living Foods Difference

    Our whey is the purest, most nutritionally-complete and ethical whey available. You can feel good about your health and about the cows that produced this powerful superfood.


    Our product comes from small free-range pasture dairies. Typical whey products are a big-business by-product of massive factory farming operations, using hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals from start to finish. Because of this, they are frequently contaminated, often with heavy metals.

    Even organic whey powders are not as complete. They're ususally high-temperature-processed and isolated, so they lack our whey’s alkalinizing minerals and immune co-factor proteins.

    What about "grass-fed" whey? Grass-fed cows are on restricted feed diets and produce very little milk, so they often end up going to slaughter after leading stressful lives. "Grass-fed" does not specify whether the animals are free-range or not, and they can be kept in confined conditions. Our cows are Pasture-Raised outdoors. The main difference is they can be supplemented with other feeds when necessary, so they have a more consistent diet, are better milk producers, and live longer, healthier lives.


    Why is our whey so nutritionally complete and delicious?

    Because we start with pure, organic-certified, pasture-raised whey, and we use a low-temperature process that doesn't involve any acid-treatment, additives, or mineral-stripping.

    Because our whey is derived from raw milk used in making raw cheeses, it requires thorough monitoring to meet stringent state-mandated purity levels. Small, artisinal dairy farmers follow a pristine process in which the raw milk is kept in stainless steel containers and never exposed to open air.

    The milk used to make organic aged cheese must still heated, but far cooler and faster than in typical cheese-making or milk-pasteurization. To start the curdling process, the milk is heated to 72 ̊C for a brief 15 seconds and then cooled down to 5 ̊C. The thick, fatty casein proteins (which become cheese) separate from the water-soluble whey proteins. The whey is then forced through ceramic micro-filters that trap virtually all microbial elements, yielding a pure, clean product. The final liquid whey is dried to create a powder, and no fillers or chemical treatments are used.

    This pure powdered whey concentrate (not an isolate) is a real food, complete with all whey immune factors and bioactive peptides, along with nutritional co-factors like vitamins, alkaline-minerals, and healthy non-homogenized fats.

    Nutrition: Contents & Benefits:


    Our whey concentrate is lab-verified to contain the highest levels of naturally-occurring immune factors (verified by Kendrick Lab, Madison WI, 2011). The same tests also showed our whey had all of its fragile amino acids and peptides intact, including the muscle-building amino acids Glutamic Acid and Leucine (along with other Branched Chain Amino Acids).

    All Essential Amino Acids

    Pound-for-pound, our low-temperature-processed whey is more impressive than any other single protein food. It provides all essential and conditionally essential amino acids, including the muscle- building glutamic acid, branch-chain amino acids, leucine, and cysteine, which play key roles in energy production, immune support and muscular development. It also contains bio-active cysteine (glutamylcysteine), which is missing in the typical diet and yet required by the body for vital metabolic and immune functions.

    The Richest Source of Naturally-Occuring Immune Factors

    Our whey has been lab-verified as containing all naturally-occurring immune factors intact, including serum albumin, immunoglobulins, alpha lactoglobulins, beta lactoglobulins, glucomacropeptides, glutamylcysteine and lactoferrin — virtually the same immune compounds that are found in human breast milk, responsible for providing the newborn with immune defenses against infections and disease. It contains two times more immunoglobulin G and three times more Lactoferrin than the average whey. The immunological properties of pasture-raised whey have been widely documented as beneficial for people of all ages, particularly people under increased metabolic stress such as athletes, people after injury, and the elderly.

    Lactoferrin: a multi-functional peptide with several physiological roles, including -Defense against microbial infections
    -Regulation of iron transfer and metabolism
    -Anti-inflammatory activity

    -Regulation of cellular growth
    -Protection against cancer development and metastasis

    Glycomacropeptides (GMP): a casein-derived peptide found in whey protein with beneficial functions including
    -Stimulation of cholecystokin (CKK) and Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), the peptide hormones that regulate satiety, food intake, and energy. The stimulation of CKK and GLP-1 has been linked to early satiety from meals, reduced food intake, increased insulin sensitivity, and weight loss. -Inhibition of platelet aggregation, a cardiovascular protective property

    -Support of beneficial gut bacteria (bifido bacterium)
    -A good source of branch chain amino acids (BCAA), which increases muscle energy, promote muscle buildup and prevent muscle wasting.

    Alpha Lactalbumin: the most abundant protein in mother’s milk, it plays a key biological role in the production of the sugar lactose, essential for growth and brain development of the newborn. Alpha lactalbumin is believed to possess antibacterial and anti-cancerous activities. A folding variant of alpha lactalbumin has shown to kill tumor and immature cells but spare mature healthy cells. Alpha lactalbumin is generally low in bovine whey products but appear in higher concentrations in goat and sheep milk products as well as in pasture fed cows' whey.

    Beta Lactalbumin: the most abundant protein in bovine whey, it is not an inherent part of human breast milk. Beta lactalbumin's main biological function is being a carrier of retinol (a pro-vitamin A) and a nutrient source for the amino acid cysteine.

    Lacto Peroxidase: a peroxidase enzyme found in raw milk whey, known for its antioxidant and anti- microbial properties. Lacto peroxidase is fairly heat resistant and can survive low-heat whey processing, but is generally destroyed by ultra-pasteurization or acid-processing.

    Immunoglobulins G (IgGs): the most abundant immunoglobulins in the body, with a distinct biological role of providing protection against pathogens. IgGs can bind to bacteria, viruses and fungi and protect the body by agglutination, immobilization and neutralization of their toxins. IgGs play an important role in the antibody response system. There are 4 IgG subclasses (IgG 1, 2, 3, 4), IgG1 being the most abundant. Each of the 4 IgGs has its unique biological role in the immune/antibody response to pathogens.

    Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA): an important source of glutamylcysteine – the most bio-active precursor for the body's master antioxidant, glutathione. Glutathione plays essential roles in virtually every immune-enhancing, anti-aging, and anti-cancer activity in the body.

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‘La vérité, c’est ce qui est utile.’---Bouddha


Petit préambule


Le glutation n’est pas une vitamine; c’est une protéine. Des trois acides aminés qui entrent dans sa composition, la cystéine est la plus importante car c’est probablement l’acide aminé le plus souvent en déficit.


Pour le Dr. John Pianto du Memorial Sloan Ketering Cancer Center de New York ‘c’est l’as des anti-oxydants’. En effet en plus de ses effets propres, il concourt à l’efficacité de deux enzymes très importantes pour l’équilibre de votre corps: la glutathion transférase et la glutathion peroxydase. De ce fait le glutathion se trouve nanti de grandes qualités puisque le Dr. Earl Mindell déclare:

1.Qu’il prévient la cataracte et la dégénéressence maculaire liée à             l’âge, les maladies cardio-vasculaires, le diabète et le cancer.

2.Qu’il aide à la guérison du cancer, à la désintoxication de l’organisme, l’efficacité du système immunitaire.

3.Qu’il retarde le vieillissement.


‘On ne peut littéralement survivre sans ce miraculeux antioxydant’

                                                                             ---Earl Mindell


‘Vous devez augmenter vos niveaux de GSH (glutathion) si vous voulez conserver votre jeunesse et vivre longtemps. De hauts niveaux de GSH (glutathion) sont associés à la santé et à la longévité. De bas niveaux laissent prévoir la maladie et une mort précoce.’

                                                        ---Jean Carper, STOP AGING NOW.



     Pour préserver le glutathion contenu dans les crucifères (choux et brocoli), dans certains fruits et légumes (avocat, fraise, tomate, pamplemousse, asperge) évitez les conserves ou la cuisson forte ou longue.


     Pour un bon fonctionnement de la glutatjion peroxylase associez à ces aliments du sélénium (noix du Brésil, poissons et fruits de mer, poivron rouge et ail).


     Pour augmenter dans votre organisme le recyclage du glutathion prenez de la vitamine C, des vitamines du groupe B, de l’acide lipoique.


     Comme le glutathion diminue avec l’exposition à des toxiques (pesticides etc…), la prise de certains médicaments qui sollicitent lourdement les mécanismes de détoxication hépatique (comme les traitements hormonaux chimiques etc…) et avec tous les phénomènes qui génèrent des radicaux libres, prenez soin de vous en vous accordant le droit de faire d’autres choix. Sinon prenez des suppléments de glutathion en attendant de mettre à exécution vos bonnes résolutions (glutathion réduit 1 à 2 gélules à 150mg.).


Et pour se faire plaisir avec le glutathion*


Cocktail fraise pomme

Salade de pamplemousse et d’avocat


Cocktail fraise pomme

Passez à la centrifugeuse : 500g de fraises, 2 pommes, 1 citron épluché.

Recueillez le jus et ajouter 2 c. à s. d’une boisson à l’anis (de préférence sans alcool) et 2 c.à s. de sucre.


Salade de pamplemousse et d’avocat

Coupez en deux, 2 pamplemousses roses et à l’aide d’une cuillère ôtez la chair en laissant la peau.

Coupez en cubes 2 avocats

Disposez l’avocat au centre et les quartiers de pamplemousse autour.

Nappez d’une vinaigrette légère (huile, vinaigre, sel, poivre).


*Tiré du livre:Les anti-oxydants, santé, bien-être et vitalité au quotidien du Dre. Line Martin, Éditions Harmonia, 2003, 128p., avec permission.

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